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A Guide to Designing a Mentally Healthy School

The Schools We Need Now

A Guide to Designing a Mentally Healthy School

"One of the things that keeps bringing the two of us together in our work is a shared vision for the purpose of schools."


Authors, Tim Dohrer and Tom Golebiewski

student centered
SchoolsWeNeedNow Cover.png

Book Overview

With a wealth of knowledge and a shared passion for mentally healthy schools, Tim and Tom invite you to join them on this transformative adventure. Their aim is to redefine education and create a future where every learner thrives mentally, emotionally, and academically. Their story is a celebration of resilience, innovation, and the boundless potential of education to shape a brighter, healthier tomorrow.


In Chapter 1, the book sets the stage by underscoring the significance of mental health in educational settings. Introducing the perspectives of Tim and Tom, the authors highlight their collaborative efforts to create a Mental Health Action Plan. Readers are prompted to reflect on their own context and positionality, fostering a proactive approach to addressing mental health challenges in schools.


Chapter 2 delves into Mental Health and Mental Models, presenting a developmental model for the whole child. The narrative advocates a whole-school systems thinking approach, emphasizing the cultivation of a culture of caring. Mental Models, framed as a continuum of care, challenge conventional perceptions of mental health and propose a multi-tiered systems support approach as the foundational strategy for the action plan. This chapter lays the groundwork for a holistic and systemic approach to mental health within educational institutions.


Shifting focus in Chapter 3, the book explores Tier 1 Mental Health, delving into universal supports for all. Defining Tier 1 as both prevention and early intervention, the chapter addresses challenges such as stigma, identity, and environmental factors. It advocates for interventions like social and emotional learning, asserting that the success of the entire action plan rests on the Tier 1 foundation.


Chapter 4 addresses Tier 2 issues, offering interventions for students, teachers, parents, and schools. Introducing early detection screeners, the chapter tackles internalized behaviors like stress, anxiety, and trauma. Strategies encompass mindfulness, restorative practices, and peer support, promoting a holistic approach to mental health. Emphasizing the pivotal role of educators in recognizing signs of distress, this chapter underscores the interconnectedness of Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions.


Chapter 5 focuses on Tier 3, centering on supporting individuals with the greatest needs. Defining mental illness, comorbidity, and specific issues like anxiety and depression, the chapter emphasizes prevention and intervention strategies. These include staff training, small groups, and community engagement, highlighting the imperative of equity in mental health.


In Chapter 6, the book guides readers in integrating the Mental Health Action Plan into schools. Emphasizing the creation of a sense of belonging, the chapter prompts a reconsideration of school organization, from physical spaces to technology, curriculum, and transitions. The book concludes with a real-world example, Wolcott College Prep, illustrating the successful implementation of a comprehensive mental health action plan and showcasing its transformative potential.

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