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The Schools We Need Now

A Guide to Designing a Mentally Healthy School

A new book from educators Tim Dohrer and Tom Golebiewski

Meet Tim and Tom

With a combined 70+ years in public education, Tim and Tom are uniquely prepared to help transform your school.

"We both believe that schools need to re-envision themselves through a mental health lens. In doing so, a school would make different decisions about how to operate on an hourly, weekly, and annual basis. Social and emotional learning would be equal to academic learning. The student’s experience from the moment they wake in the morning, through their entire school day, till the time they go to sleep would be seen through this lens of mental health and learning."


"This book is a paradigm-shifting way to truly understand how to implement a Mental Health Action Plan in K-12 schools. The comprehensive step-by-step approach addresses the development model for the whole child that is so critical to designing mentally healthier schools in this country.... It’s a road map to transformational change!”

Sabrina P. Gracias, Founder, Ortus Foundation 

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